Restructuring of KASNEB ICT qualifications as part of the major review of examination syllabuses

KASNEB regularly reviews its examination syllabuses as part of ensuring that holders of its qualifications remain relevant to changing market needs and demands. In this regard, kasneb undertakes a major review of its examination syllabuses after every five years and a mid-term review after every two and a half years.

A mid-term review of the examination syllabuses was completed in June 2018. Due to significant developments in the market at national, regional and global levels, it has become imperative for kasneb to commence a major review of the syllabuses earlier than scheduled. A major review of the current syllabuses is therefore planned to commence in January 2019.

One of the areas that has witnessed significant changes in market trends is information communication technology (ICT). These changes have necessitated a review of the nature and structure of ICT qualifications offered by kasneb with a view to ensuring that the qualifications become more responsive to new market demands and expectations.

kasneb therefore  advises DICT and CICT students of kasneb as follows:

  1. The Board of kasneb has decided to gradually phase out the DICT and CICT qualifications as currently structured. In the meantime, kasneb will consult with key stakeholders including students, training institutions, employers and the Government on the best ICT qualifications structure to replace the above two ICT qualifications.
  2. The last examinations under the current DICT and CICT qualifications structure will be administered after the completion of the current major review of the syllabuses, which is expected to be in the May 2020 sitting.
  3. Taking cognisance of the above changes and to avoid any transition challenges, registration of new students for the DICT and CiCT qualifications ceased with effect from 1 September 2018.

The above developments will not affect kasneb’s commitment to promoting holders of the DICT and CICT qualifications in the market. Indeed kasneb remains keen to conclude the process of registering the Association of Certified Information Communication Technologists (ACICT) in the course of 2019 and further work with the Association in enhancing the welfare and interest of DICT and CICT qualification holders.



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