How to register with KASNEB for CPA ATD CS CIFA CCP DCM CICT DICT CPSP-K AND APS-K courses

Register with kasneb

To become a KASNEB student these are the requirements and the process to follow

Diploma examinations:


(a) Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) with an aggregate average of at least grade C- (C Minus), or equivalent.

(b) Any other KASNEB technician or diploma examination certificate.

Professional examinations


(a) Secondary education (O level) certificate with an aggregate average of at least grade C+ (or equivalent)

(b) Advanced education (A level) certificate with at least two principal passes.

(c) KASNEB technician, diploma or professional examination certificate.

(d) A degree from a recognised university.

(e) Such other certificates or diplomas as may be approved by KASNEB.


Registration dates

(a) Applicants intending to take the May examination must be registered not later than 15th March, while those intending to take the November examination must register as students not later than the preceding 15th september.

(b) Syllabuses are provided to applicants upon registration as students of KASNEB.

Registration Renewal

(a) The annual registration renewal fee shall become due on 1 July following the first eligible examination sitting and annually thereafter.

(b) Registration numbers for students who do not book for any examination within three years from the date of registration will have their numbers suspended. the suspended registration numbers will only be reactivated upon payment of a reactivation fee and the appropriate renewal.

Examination Entries

(a) Registered students who wish to take the examination must submit the prescribed entry forms, duly completed together with the appropriate examination fee on or before the specified dates. The closing date for the receipt of the entries for the December examination is the preceding 15 September and for the June Examination is the preceding 15 March.

(b) Information on examination dates and examination is available on the KASNEB website: and in the KASNEB Newsline.


Exemptions will be granted on a paper by paper basis. Exemptions will be granted to applicants who are deemed to have adequately covered the subject matter in the papers that they wish to be exempted. Applicants seeking exemption must therefore show evidence of adequate coverage of the content for the papers in which they are applying for exemption. However, no exemptions will be granted in Part III of the professional examinations other that to graduates of the examinations of KASNEB

Exemptions for holders of KASNEB qualifications

(a) Exemptions will be granted for all common papers in the diploma and professional examinations.

(b) No exemptions will be granted to technician examination graduates beyond Part I of the professional examinations.

(c) In granting exemptions, consideration will also be given to the core areas of expertise of the person seeking exemption. For instance, a CPA graduate is considered to be proficient in accounting and therefore would be exempted in accounting papers in other professional examinations of KASNEB.

Exemptions for holders of qualifications from other universities and examination bodies

Exemptions may be given to holders of degrees, diplomas and certificates from other recognised universities, institutions of higher learning and examination bodies. In order to qualify for exemption under this category, applicants must provide evidence of adequate coverage of the content of the papers for which they have applied for exemption. However, no exemptions will be granted in Part III of the professional examinations except for graduates of the examinations of KASNEB.

Procedure for exemptions

Applicants seeking exemptions must complete the relevant application forms for exemption and pay the prescribed exemption fees. All applications for exemption must be accompanied by the relevant supporting documents.

Note: An exempted candidate is not allowed to enter for the exempted paper without prior authority from the Secretary and Chief Executive of KASNEB. Any candidate who flouts this rule will automatically forfeit all exemptions granted to him/her.

Registration requirements for professional examinations

Applicants, who wish to be registered as students of KASNEB, must meet the set rules, regulations and guidelines governing its examinations which are published in the various examinations syllabuses and guides. The examinations guides are obtainable free of charge at the offices of KASNEB.

Among the approved basic registration requirements for the professional examinations of KASNEB, is the Kenya Certificate of Secondary Education (KCSE) certificate with a minimum aggregate average of C+.


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84 thoughts on “How to register with KASNEB for CPA ATD CS CIFA CCP DCM CICT DICT CPSP-K AND APS-K courses”

  1. Hello admin i got a c plain in my KCSE exams and i have a diploma in procurement and supplies from mount Kenya university can i take the CS course from KASNEB.

  2. i am denis, i got c+ in national exams with c+ in english and c in maths , i am afirst year student and i want to register for cpa , is it possible?

  3. Hello i scored B- in my KCSE, have pursued degree business admistration,maths with C and english D+.I am eligible to do CPA.

  4. Hi admin,I studied diploma in accountancy (knec examination body),I wish to change to kasneb,i only have a transcript,will I be accepted

  5. Hi Admin my name is Ian matisi ,did my kcse at 2019 and currently a first year at KiBU.How much does it cost per CPA and how long does it take per CPA? Pliz answer

  6. Hello Admin, I am Emmanuel, taking bcom in KCA university first year,, I sat last year KCSE and managed to attained a mean grade of B- with an A in maths and D+ in English, can i qualify to do CPA? kindly assist

  7. Can I attach my secondary school results slip instead of secondary school certificate during registration with you

  8. Hi
    Having managed to do my DIPLOMA in ACCOUNTANCY KNEC EXAMINATIONS from a recognized National Polytechnic and passed and also obtained a mean grade of C+ KCSE, English B & Mathematics D am l guaranteed any exemptions when it comes to undertaking CPAs?

    Do you offer direct online registrations be it membership or examinations?
    Kindly respond admin.


  9. Hi admin,am Faith, i obtained a C+ in my KCSE a C- in Maths, B-in Kiswahili and English and i want to pursue CPA. Do i qualify

  10. Hello , I completed my kcse last year and attained a mean grade of C- with a C plain in mathematics and a C+ in English, do I qualify to pursue CPA

    1. Hello!i sat my kcse in 2018 and attained a D+ where do i start so that i am able to study CPA?

  11. Hi Admin, am currently a 4th-year student of BCOM FINANCE OPTION. I want to register for CPA for the November Exams. which units will I be exempted to do and what is the procedure for application and what does it take to do CPA

  12. I have completed secondary school last yr and I have mean grade of C plain with D-in maths and D plain in eng have I qualified to study CPA

  13. Hello I happen to have scored a mean grade of C plain in KCSE with a C in Maths and C- in English.I have a Diploma in Business Management from a University.I want to register for CPA. Am I eligible and from what level.Pliz advice.

  14. Message:I completed p1(primary teacher course) 2017 and obtained 36 points..KCSE mean grade C+,,mathematics C- and English C- .will I qualify to pursue CPA course?

  15. Message:I scored a B- in kcse in the yr 2016,having scored a B- in mathematics and bellow a c+ in English.So far I am doing a degree leading to bachelor of Education and Arts(Mathematics & Business Studies) at Masinde Muliro University of science and technology (MMUST),is it possible for to apply for CPA.Am I eligible.

    1. Hello, you are eligible to do CPA. Besides your KCSE result slip you will be required to provide atleast one semester university result slip and a letter from your school showing that you are a continuing student undertaking a degree course

  16. Message:hi admin ,am bevary ,,a current student at kaiboi technical, just finished my module 1 knec Diploma in Business Management and attained a Credit,,, I had a mean of C plain with C+ in English at secondary level, ,am I eligible to register for CPA or ATD .


  17. Hi,I have done CPA upto section 6 and I currently want to begin CIFA in January 2018 .I am aware that there exemptions that i will have,just wondering which ones they are and how much in total should I pay while registering??

    Thank you.

  18. Hello admin, am mayaka Margaret I got a C+ in KSCE with B- and Cplain in English am I qualified for CPA currently passuing Bcom am a 4th yr student

  19. Am a diploma in business management candidate graduate and have covered almost all the units in cpa part 1, will i be exempted in all those units after providing an evidence to have covered them?

  20. hi admin please help me am new here just regestered afew minutes ago how do i continue with ATD course?

  21. hello can I register for cpa part 11 before am exempted part 1? I was pursuing bachelor of commerce and I have recently completed school waiting for graduation I have my 1,2,3 year transcripts n not yet 4th yr transcript n there’s a unit we did in fourth yr called entrepreneurship which is required for exemption I want to sit for this year December exam what do I do?

    1. For exemptions to applicants must have all your transcripts including those of fourth-year final semester.

  22. Message:hello am through with my bachelor of commerce pursuing finance option and would like to sit for November exams n would like to b exempted part 1 and part 11 part of section 1 such as financial management but I have my 3 yrs transcript that is first second and third year but I don’t have my fourth year transcript because I have not yet graduated can I register for part 11 before exemptions ?

  23. Hello,I wish to sit for Nov / Dec exams…..Is it possible if I register before and pay for the exams before 15 aug? Please advise

  24. Message:
    hi admin.. I sat for my cpa sec 1 part 2 and got credit in cost accounting in 2014 and I could like to continue. will I sit only for the 2 papers I failed and how can get my registration number again since I forgot. please help.
    best regards,

  25. hello admin, I had aggregate of c+ in kcse and B- in maths and C plain in English will I qualify to do CPA?

  26. Hi.Am I eligible to pursue CIFA as a first year b com student with a mean grade of B+ with B+ and C+ in mathematics and English respectively?. And if so, what is the duration to complete each level.

  27. Hi
    I am currently working as and i wish to register as a KASNEB DCM student with a mean grade of C .am i eligible?

  28. Hello admin, my name is Fridah. Currently am doing a Bcom 3rd yr, I have done a diploma in business management and a certificate in HRM. I got C- Kcse. I would like to do CPA exams from December , tell me how to do I start it now given dateline is tomorrow. I’m in THIKA.

  29. Message:I sat for ATCI but I paused due to or two things and I had a credit in all the papers except principle of management, I would wish to carry-on how can this happen?

    1. Hi, you will now take ATD, But credits from ATC are not applicable. there are also no exemptions on ATD. That means you will now take up the whole level for ATD

  30. Message:Hello,am Cheruiyot Evans currently a 3rd year student pursuing a bachelor’s degree in Business Management.I had a mean grade of B(plain) in kcse with a B+ and a C(plain)in both maths and english respectively.Am i eligible to register Cpa?

  31. Message: hellow i need to register for CPA student and igot C- in kcse 2016 kindly can i qualified for it?

    1. Hello, You will register for ATD – Accounting Technician Diploma. It has level 1, 2 and 3. Each level takes 6 months. After completing ATD, you will be eligible to proceed to CPA and you will be exempted from doing CPA section 1 and 2. You will start at section 3.

  32. Message:I am a bachelors holders in social sciences (mathematics economics ) and I want to apply for CPA can I apply for exception and how can I go about it

  33. can i register online for certified credit professional cause?I am degree graduate and also a CPA k,can i be exempted?and to which level?

  34. Message: I would like to pursue cifa .how can I go about it ?? currently am a student taking bed science

  35. Hi. Can i register for CPA i got a B with B- in English and B in Mathematics
    Am pursuing Bachelor of Science (Mathematics and Computer science) I am a first year so when do i have to start it ?


    1. You will start CPA directly. you will only need a letter from your school to show that you are a continuing student pursuing a degree course.

  37. Please Admin..have already pursued diploma in accountancy obtained pass in I elligble to do kasneb because my worry is I had c plain in kcse c- in mathematics and c plain in English… Please answer….

  38. I got a (c) plain in my secondary education and did a diploma in business management. Am through with my diploma course work but haven’t graduated yet. Am I eligible to take CPA?

  39. hello admin, am a holder of a diploma in Accounting and finance and interested to do my CPAs… what part do i start? or exemptions are from what part?

  40. Message:Am Violet Kelah having [c]plain with c+ in maths&[c] in English Which is the suitable KASNEB course for me?

  41. Message: lm Jeldah Kemunto taking diploma in accounting and finance at kisii university can i register cpa and do exams now before graduation which will be December

  42. Can i regester for CPA i got a B- with C+ in english and D in mathematics
    Am taking bachelors of science (entreprenuership)

    1. Yes you qualify to do CPA, while submitting your certificates for registration include a leter from your school indicating that you are a continuing student taking a degree course.

    1. Yes, You can register as a KASNEB student to CPA, even if you didn’t meet c+ in English and in Mathematics. you only need to provide a letter from your school to confirm you are a continuing student taking a degree course.

  43. I need to register for CPA students where will I register,requirements for registration and the registration fee required

    1. Hello you can register as a KASNEB CPA Student at Huduma centres that have kasneb counters. requirements are mean grade of C+ and a C+ in mathematics and english. Registration fee sh. 5000 and examination fee sh. 2700
      For more information visit

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