CPSP – Supply Chain Management Information Systems


 Pl1.04.1 introduction

This module is intended to equip the trainee with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable him/her conduct supply chain activities electronically in an efficient and effective way

 PL1.04.2 General objectives

At the end of this module the trainee should be able to:

  1. Appreciate principles and practices in automation and e-procurement
  2. Recognize the role of automation and e-procurement in supply chain management
  3. Familiarise with contemporary e-procurement systems
  4. Appreciate the e-procurement applications
  5. Appreciate the integrated information management systems used in the private and public sectors
  6. Manage current issues and trends in e-procurement

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PL1.4.01 Overview of supply chain management information systems


The trainee should have the ability to demonstrate an understanding of supply chain management information systems.



  1. Meaning of terms used in e-procurement
  2. Evolution of e-procurement
  3. Main phases in the evolution of e-procurement
  4. Drivers for the use of e-procurement
  5. Key enablers for conducting e-procurement
  6. E-signature
  7. E-Identity
  • E-Attestations
  1. E-catalogues
  2. E-Archiving
  3. Importance of e-procurement as a strategy in procurement and supply.


  • Discussion of the main phases in the evolution of e-procurement


 PL1.4.02 Procurement systems


The trainee should have the ability to apply appropriate procurement systems in a given organization.



  1. Types of procurement systems
  2. Manual procurement
  3. E-procurement
  4. Differences between manual procurement and e-procurement
  5. Evolution of procurement process
  6. Steps followed in a manual procurement process
  7. The limitations of a manual procurement process
  8. Steps followed in e-procurement process
  9. Key performance benefits that accrue from e-procurement


  1. Differentiate of manual procurement and e-procurement systems.

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PL1.4.03 E-procurement systems


The trainee should have the ability to identify and select an appropriate e-procurement system in a given case.



  1. Process in e-procurement systems
  2. e-noticing
  3. e-Requisitioning
  • e-sourcing, e-tendering and e-Auctions
  1. e-Access and
  2. e-submission
  3. e-ordering
  • e-awarding
  • e-invoicing and e-payment
  1. Advantages and disadvantages of e-procurement systems


  1. Discussion of the various processes in e-procurement systems


PL1.4.04 Automation in supply chains


The trainee should have the ability to apply the use officer information management systems in a supply chain.




  1. Definition of key terms used in supply chain Automation
  2. Examples of supply chain management systems.
  3. Management information systems
  4. Knowledge management systems
  • Integrated management systems i.e Material  Requirements Planning (MRP), Distribution Requirement Planning (Drop), Enterprise Resource planning (ERP).
  1. Databases
  2. Purchase to pay systems
  3. Internet, intranets, extranets and e-commerce
  • Contract management systems
  1. Supply chain management information system in procurement management
  2. impact of computerised information systems in procurement and supply
  3. Technological and managerial security measures


  • Discussion of the technologies and managerial security measures in procurement and supply


PL1.4.05 E-procurement applications


The trainee should have the ability to select the e-procurement applications appropriate for a given organisation.



  1. Definition of “e-procurement applications”
  2. Types of e-procurement applications
  3. Off-the-self
  4. Customized
  5. Essential features of an e-procurement system.
  6. Selection decision
  7. Outsource
  8. Develop in-house
  9. Selection criteria and process
  10. Application providers
  11. Role of e-procurement application specialist


  • Development of an e-procurement application selection criteria.


PL1.4.06 E-procurement platforms


The trainee should have the ability to apply the key principles when developing e-procurement platforms.



  1. Meaning of terms used in e-procurement platforms
  2. Importance of having an appropriate e-procurement platform
  3. Principles of developing e-procurement platforms
  4. Steps in developing an e-procurement system


  • Discussion of challenges faced when developing and e-procurement platform

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PL1.4.07 Procurement information management systems (pims)



  1. Meaning of integrated PIMS
  2. The PIMS model
  3. Procure-to-pay process using various PIMS
  4. Benefits and limitations of using PIMS in procurement and supply
  5. Security and application support measures in PIMS
  6. Tracking and accountability measures (audit trail) in PIMS
  7. End-user features in PIMS


  • Discussion of benefits and limitations of using PIMS in procurement and supply


PL1.4.08 Emerging issues and trends in procurement information management systems. 


The trainee should have the ability to cope with the emerging trends in PIMS.



  1. Emerging issues and trends in the PIMS.
  2. Challenges and opportunities posed by the emerging issues and trends in PIMS
  3. Coping with or adopting to the emerging issues and trends in PIMS.


  • Discussion of the challenges and  opportunities posed by the emerging issues and trends in PIMS


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