Courses offered by KASNEB

KASNEB is a professional examination body with the mandate to offer professional, diploma and technician qualifications in accountancy, finance, credit, governance and management, information technology and related disciplines. KASNEB administers its examination throughout the East and Central Africa region and in other countries globally

Currently KASNEB administers 5 professional examinations and 3 diploma examinations and 1 Certificate examination that lead to the following:



Certified Public Accountants (CPA)

Certified Public Accountants (CPA) are skilled and competent professional accountants, auditors, finance managers, tax consultants and practitioners in both public and private sectors.

Certified Secretaries (CS)

Certified Secretaries (CS) are experts and practitioners in governance, governance audits and compliance, corporate secretarial practice, corporate law, consultancy and business management and administration

Certified Information Communication Technologists (CICT)

Certified Information Communication Technologists (CICT) are skilled and competent systems developers and programmers, network administrators, system engineers, ICT consultants and practitioners.

Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFA)

Certified Investment and Financial Analysts (CIFA) are experts in financial analysis, investments and securities, portfolio management, pension management, investment banking among related areas.

Certified Credit Professionals (CCP)

Certified Credit Professionals (CCP) are skilled and competent top level managers, practitioners and consultants in the rapidly developing field of credit management



Accounting Technicians Diploma (ATD)

The Accounting Technicians Diploma qualification equips candidates with skills and competencies to work as middle level accountants providing technical support in accounting, auditing and taxation.

Diploma in Information Communication Technology (DICT)

Diploma in Information Communication Technology qualification equips candidates with technical skills and competencies to work in the dynamic ICT industry as technicians in systems development, systems programming, administration and maintenance.

Diploma in Credit Management (DCM)

Diploma in Credit Management equips candidates with skills and competencies to work in credit management and credit control in both financial and non-financial enterprises.


Certificate in Accountancy and Management Skills (CAMS)

Certificate in Accounting and Management Skills equips candidates with skills and competencies to provide basic accounting and management services to non-governmental organisations (NGOs) and public sector entities.

KASNEB OFFICES: KASNEB Towers, Hospital road, Upper Hill, P.O BOX 41362-00100 Nairobi. TEL: +254(020)4923000 Email: website:


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62 thoughts on “Courses offered by KASNEB”

  1. i would like to do kasneb exams ,i have a high diploma in project management from Kenya institute of management.where should I start,which subjects should kasneb excempt me.

  2. Hi Admin,
    What are the qualifications for enrolling for CICT?
    I have a bachelors degree in Business Administration with IT (Finance option)
    I am also a CPA Finalist.
    You can email me the requirements and fee structure(bronchure) for the course if am eligible

  3. i had registered with kasneb but did not pursue the course i wanted to…i would like to enroll for CICT course now,kindly advice…

  4. hello am interested in doing CIFA bt i had a c plain ”’kindly advice me on which diploma kasneb course i can take so as to be exempted to CIFA

  5. Good evening,
    Do you offer corporate governance/leadership course, let me know am interested in enrolling for a leadership course

  6. My son had c+ in KCSE he also got A- mathematics and D+ in English can he enrol direct to CPA because he is taking Economics and finance 2nd year

    1. Yes. He is eligible to take CPA directly. He only need to provide university result slips along the KCSE result slip as he registers

  7. someone like me taking degree in bachelors of commerce -accounting option…..IM I elligible in taking CICT as my proffesional course and if okay can i get the totals fee structure to the course completion…………

  8. HI Admin, 4 years ago I did KATC both level one and level 2, but level 2 ,I did not pass cost accounting but passed the rest.
    can I be allowed to complete cost accounting to be awarded with certificate? or can I opt for another KASNEB course and be exempted?
    my KATC REG no-160364.

    1. Hi, you can opt to continue with ATD 2 and do all the 4 units as exemptions will not apply since you had not completed the course. Register before September 30 to take advantage of the waiver

  9. I have a degree in finance and accounting,and i would like to do CPA. what are the exemptions

  10. I did Atc 1 and 2 but had a refer in 2 papers in atc 2 , now that atd has been introduced, how can I proceed, kindly advise

  11. I scored a mean of C+,B in mathematics and a C in English… Currently doing procurement and contract management …would you consider me to pursue CPA direct?

  12. I have first degree in business information technology which professional course can I register for to boost my credentials

  13. I did examination in year 2016 and attained B in mathematics and C in English. Would you consider me to pursue CPA..currently pursuing a degree in economics

    1. You can starting taking CPA, you will provide your KCSE result slip or certificate and your university result slips and a letter from your school showing that you are a continuing student undertaking a degree course.

    1. Diploma in Credit Management (DCM) Graduates applicable exemptions on professional courses

      (i)Exemptions in CCP
      Credit Management
      Commercial Law
      Entrepreneurship and Communication
      Principles of Accounting
      Public Finance and Taxation

      (ii)Exemptions in CPA
      Commercial Law
      Entrepreneurship and Communication
      Public Finance and Taxation

      (iii)Exemptions in CS
      Commercial Law
      Business Communication
      Principles of Accounting
      Public Finance and Taxation

      (iv)Exemptions in CICT
      Entrepreneurship and Communication
      Principles of Accounting

      (v) Exemptions in CIFA
      Financial Mathematics
      Entrepreneurship and Communication
      Public Finance and Taxation

  14. Am taking a knec diploma in supply chain management willing to do a kasneb coarse but having known ATD course units are de same which other course can I take that would match with DSCM pliz advice

  15. Message:currently have a certificate in purchase an supply chain ..Can i enrol for procurement profesional exam ..I had a D+ or atd

  16. Message: I have C+ in KCSE and C (plain) in both mathematics and English. wish to register for CICT examinations. what can I do? ,could there be any possibility for me to start from lower level then proceed?

  17. Have MBA having majored in Finance. currently pursuing Phd in Finance. Was thinking of taking a CIFA course. Is it a an appropriate decision or there is an alternative? Please advice and also inform me on what units can i be exempted

  18. I have a certificate in business management, where should I start and I had a c plain in kcse.

  19. please advice i wish to pursue DICT COURSE and i am graduate in bba course -finance option will it add merits? please advice any course to boost my degree

    1. Yes. You will take the two continuously. You will just need to note when you school exams and kasneb exams will be scheduled to avoid a situation where exams date are set the same date

  20. Message:Can I do CIFA after completion of a degree in actuarial science? How much will it cost in total to completion?

  21. Can you advice me,, I want to do CPA But I managed to get c- in kcpe should I start with ATD OR CPA .. kindly guide. Am at EMBU TOWN

    1. Yes, you can do. The following exemptions will apply.
      Exemptions in CIFA
      1. Financial Accounting
      2. Financial Mathematics
      3. Entrepreneurship and Communication
      4. Economics
      5. Public Finance and Taxation

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