CPSP – Supply Chain Management for SMEs



PL2.01.1 Introduction

This module is intended to equip the trainee with knowledge, skills and attitudes that will enable him/her demonstrate understanding the role of SMEs in supply chains and the essential attributes of a supply chain function in a small and medium-Sized Enterprise (SME), to better manage SME business.

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PL2.01.2 General objectives

At the end of the module the trainee should be able to:

  1. Understand supply chains and the importance of effective supply chain management (SCM) for SMEs
  2. Set the supply chain management objectives and strategies
  3. Access and manage demand as well as logistics process in SMEs
  4. Provide leadership and manage business operations and relations with its supply chain partner for the essential success of the business
  5. Assess  the organisations financial needs and how to improve the financial structure and ultimately increase its competitiveness
  6. Analyse the organisations financial needs, prepare a business plan and present it in a complete, professional and concise manner aimed at facilitating negotiations and convincing banks and other financial institutions.
  7. Understand how to monitor and assess the enterprise supply chain performance, risks as well as sustainability
  8. Appreciate the emerging issues and trends in SME Supply Chain (SC)



PL2.1.01 Overview of Supply Chain in Small and Medium-Sized Enterprise (SMEs)


The trainee should have the ability to demonstrate an understanding of types of SME establishments.



  1. Definition of terms used in SMEs
  2. Types of business enterprises
    1. Sole proprietor
    2. Partnerships
  • Private companies
  1. Public companies
  1. Factors to consider when starting an SME
  2. Sources of business Financing for SMEs


  1. Discussion of factors to consider when starting an SME


 PL2.1.02 Supply Chain and SMEs


The trainee should be able to identify key aspects of a supply chain and how they relate to SME’s.



  1. Definition of the terms used in Supply Chain Management
  2. Key factors driving Supply Chain development
  3. Supply chain governance
  4. Characteristics of SMEs in the supply chain
  5. Benefits of SMEs to the public sector
  6. Government policy on SMEs and its ability to spur SME growth


  1. Discussion of the challenges and opportunities simulating SME participation in public procurement


 PL2.1.03 Supply Chain management objectives and strategy


The trainee should have the ability to explain how supply chain management offers a modern, integrated approach to dealing with business functions operating within an enterprise as part of the supply chain



  1. Definitions of strategy in supply chain
  2. Concept of supply Chain strategy in organization
  3. Characteristics of strategic decision in organization supply chain
  4. Corporate, business and functional levels of strategy in organizations
  5. Formulation and implementation of strategies in supply chain.


  1. Discuss the difference between corporate, business and functional levels of strategy in organizations


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PL2.1.04 Marketing in supply chain management for SMEs


The trainee should have the ability to understand the “push” and “pull” marketing strategies in managing the demand and supply in a supply chain function.



  1. Definition of key terms used in marketing
  2. Demand and supply forces in marketing
  3. Market forecasting
  4. Competition in the market place
  5. Product life cycle
  6. Market segmentation


  1. Discussion of demand and supply forces in marketing


PL2.1.05 Managing relations with supply chain partners in SMEs


The trainee should have the ability to understand that business’s customers and suppliers are essential to its success, so effective management of relationships with supply chain partners is of the utmost importance



  1. Identify Supply chain partners
  2. Negotiation in Supply chain
  3. Types of contracts in supply chain
  4. Conflict resolution techniques with internal and external stakeholders


  1. Discussion of the best practices to manage relations with supply chain partners


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PL2.1.06 Leadership in supply chain management for SMEs


The trainee should have the ability to understand effective leadership ana management of relationships with supply chain partners for the essential success of the business



  1. Definition of terms used in leadership and management
  2. Main approaches to leadership for improving procurement and SCM
  3. Main skills and behaviour that contribute to effective leadership for improving supply chain management
  4. Common challenges faced by procurement and supply managers
  5. Main methods of change management that can be used to develop the supply chain of SMEs


  1. Discussion of leadership skills required for supply chain management of SMEs


 PL2.1.07 Financial needs for SMEs


The trainee should be able to assess the organisation’s financial needs and appreciate ways to improve the financial structure and ultimately increase its competitiveness.



  1. Define key terms in finance for SMEs
  2. Assets, liabilities,working capital liquidity
  3. Financial plan for SMEs
  4. Assessing organisational financial need
  5. Potential risks and assumptions of financial needs

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PL2.1.08 Business plan and negotiation with financiers


The trainee will be required to prepare a business plan aimed at facilitating negotiations and convincing banks and other financial institutions



  1. Definition of terms used in business planning
  2. Preparing the financial and commercial information.
  3. Long-term planning as the basis for financing
  4. Pitching and negotiating with financial institutions


  1. Preparation of a simple business plan


PL2.1.09 Managing supply chain in SMEs


The trainee should have the ability to identify, assess and mitigate supply chain risks in an organisation



  1. Definition of supply chain risks
  2. Identify types of supply chain risks
  3. Preparing risk profile in supply chain
  4. Managing supply chain risks


  1. Preparation of a supply chain risk register


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PL2.1.10 Sustainable supply chain management for SMEs


The trainee should have the ability to appreciate innovative and sustainable supply chain for SMEs.



  1. Definition of triple Bottom line
  2. Elements of triple bottom line
  3. Benefits of environmental Sustainability in SME supply chain


  1. Discussion of innovation and sustainability in supply chain for SMEs


 PL2.1.10 Emerging issues and trends in supply chain management for small and medium enterprise


The trainee should have the ability to cope with emerging issues and trends in supply chain for SMEs.



  1. Emerging issues and trends in supply chain for SMEs.
  2. Challenges and opportunities posed by the emerging issues and trends in supply chain for SMEs.
  3. Coping with and adopting to the emerging issues and trends in supply chain management SMEs


  1. Discussion of challenges and opportunities posed by emerging issues and trends in supply chain for SMEs


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