Strategic Management notes KASNEB CS new syllabus

Strategic Management pdf notes

SomeaKenya provides Updated and Revised notes for the current CPA syllabus. Revision kits (Past papers with answers) are also available to help you with revision of the upcoming exams. you can get these materials in Hardcopies (Printed and Binded) and also Softcopies through Our mobile application which can be downloaded at Playstore.

Topics covered


1. Overview of Strategic Management

  • Concept of strategy
  • Purpose of strategy
  • Characteristics of strategy
  • Advantages and disadvantages of strategic planning
  • Strategy approaches
  • Strategic versus tactical decisions
  • Patterns of strategy development

2. History of the Organisation and Culture

  • History of the Organisation
  • Importance of history
  • Path dependency
  • History as a resource
  • Historical analysis
  • Mission: stated and perceived
  • Organisational culture
  • Influence of culture on strategy
  • Undertaking cultural analysis
  • Hofstede’s Cultural Dimensions Theory

3. Strategy Levels and Intent

  • Corporate strategy
  • Business strategy
  • Operational strategy
  • Functional strategy
  • Vision statement
  • Mission statement
  • Strategic objectives
  • Statement of corporate values

4. Strategic Management Process

  • Steps in the strategic management process
  • Strategic management in different contexts
  • Uncertainty and strategic drift
  • Limitations of strategic management

 5. Strategic Analysis: The External Environment 

  • Policy and administrative framework
  • Political environment
  • Economic environment
  • Sociocultural environment
  • Technological environment
  • Ecological environment
  • Legal environment
  • Key drivers for change
  • Industry and sector analysis
  • Tools for external analysis
  • Competitor Analysis

6. Strategic Analysis: The Internal Environment

  • Distinctive resources and capabilities as a basis of competitive advantage
  • VRIO- value of resources and capabilities, rarity, inimitability, organisational support
  • Organisational knowledge as a basis of competitive advantage
  • Diagnosing resources and capabilities
  • The value chain and value system
  • Activity systems
  • Benchmarking
  • Strengths and Weaknesses
  • The Balanced Scorecard and Strategy map
  • Critical success factor analysis
  • Scenario planning
  • Gap Analysis
  • SWOT and the business model
  • Key features of corporate culture
  • Health cultures that aid strategy execution
  • Unhealthy cultures that impede strategy execution
  • Influence of culture on strategy
  • Undertaking cultural analysis

7. Business Strategy and Models

7.1 Generic competitive strategies

  • Cost leadership strategy
  • Differentiation strategy
  • Focus strategy
  • Hybrid strategy
  • The Strategy Clock

7.2 Interactive strategies

  • Interactive price and quality strategies
  • Cooperative strategy
  • Game theory

7.3 Business models

  • Value creation. configuration and capture
  • Business model patterns

8. Corporate Strategy and Diversification

  • Strategy directors
  • Diversification and performance
  • Vertical integration
  • Value creation and corporate parent
  • Portfolio matrices
  • The BCG (growth/share) matrix
  • The directional policy (GE- McKinsey) matrix
  • PIMS (Profit Impact on Marketing Strategy
  • Parenting matrix
  • The Scenario/vision – building approach

9. International Strategy

  • Internationalisation drivers
  • International business environment and challenges
  • Geographical sources of advantage
  • Locational advantage: Porter’s Diamond
  • The international value system
  • International strategies
  • Market selection and strategy
  • Internationalisation and performance

10. Strategy Development Processes

10.1 Strategic thinking

  • The paradox of logic and creativity
  • The art and science of strategic thinking
  • The “Deep Dive” analogy: acumen, allocation of resources and action

10.2 Strategy formation

  • Deliberate strategy developers
  • Emergent strategy developers
  • Logical incrementalism
  • Strategy as an outcome of political processes

10.3 Implications for managing strategy development

  • Strategy development in different contexts
  • Managing deliberate and emergent strategies

11. Matching Organisational Structure to Strategy

  • Value chain activities to be performed internally
  • Value chain activities to be outsourced
  • Aligning structure with strategy
  • Organisational structure
  • Simple structure
  • Functional structure
  • Divisional structure
  • Matrix structure
  • Multinational structures
  • Project-based structures
  • Strategy and structure fit
  • Delegation of authority
  • Systems
  • Planning system
  • Performance targeting systems
  • Configurations and adaptability
  • The McKinsey 7-Ss
  • Agility and resilience
  • Collaboration with external parties and strategic allies (network structure)

12. Leadership and Strategic Change

  • Strategic Leadership vision and change
  • Theories of leadership and change
  • Types of strategic change
  • Levers for strategic change
  • Methods of introducing strategic change
  • Strategic leadership roles and effectiveness
  • Strategic change: revolution versus evolution
  • Diagnosing the change context
  • Managing major changes
  • Problems of formal change programmes
  • Managing corporate politics
  • Managing complexity
  • Leadership in practice

13. The Practice of Strategy

  • The strategists
  • Top managers and directors
  • Strategic planners
  • Middle managers
  • Strategy consultants
  • Strategising
  • Strategy analysis
  • Strategy issue-selling
  • Strategic decision making
  • Communicating the strategy
  • Strategy methodologies
  • Strategy workshops
  • Strategy projects
  • Hypothesis testing
  • Business cases and strategic plans
  • Strategy Implementation
  • Relationship between strategy formulation and implementation
  • Plans Programs and budgets
  • Steps for effective strategy implementation
  • Resource allocation

14. Strategic Control

  • Evaluation and control in strategic management
  • The strategic control process
  • Monitoring evaluation and reporting
  • Measuring corporate performance
  • Strategic information systems
  • Strategic surveillance
  • Guidelines for proper control
  • Balance Scorecard as a tool for control
  • Sustaining organisational effectiveness

15. Contemporary issues and Case Studies in Strategic Management


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