Appeals for review of marking

Appeals for review of marking
  1. Students are ADVISED not to make the appeal decision in a rush and to note that a candidate’s external circumstances that could have affected his or her performance are not considered during the review of marking.
  2. All appeals should be on the designated form. The form is available for download on the KASNEB website.
  3. The appeal form should be received by KASNEB within fourteen (14) daysafter the date of release of the examination results. This date is indicated in the examination result notification. Students paying through the banks or other agents are advised to personally send the forms attaching copies of deposit slips to KASNEB so as to be received within the stated deadline. Appeal forms received after the stated deadline will not be considered.
  4. The candidate’s name should NOT appear anywhere on the form.
  5. A remarking fee shall be charged at Sh. 5,000 per paper for diploma level examinations and Sh.7, 500 per paper for professional level examinations.
  6. A refund of the remarking fee, less an administrative charge of 15% shall be made if, after the remarking, the student’s results for a particular paper change from FAIL to PASS.
  7. Feedback on remarking shall be provided to candidates within a period of between two and three weeks after the expiry of the deadline for receipt of appeals.


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20 thoughts on “Appeals for review of marking”

  1. There is no way everyone had something negative to say about kasneb . That should tell you that you need to shape up !!

  2. I think KASNEB should give the results, I mean the marked papers back to those who sat for the examination for them to analyse and get to know their points of weakness…I mean honestly how do you expect someone to know which areas they failed yet the students never get the question papers and answer booklets back?

  3. KASNEB your turning to exploit students how can I fail company law and audit and it was on my finger tips…i highly disagree..

  4. it is so discouraging if KSANEB failed student deliberately, cause for those of us who would like to join will find it waste of money and time. CPA is generous, unlike ACCA where they control the number of holders. so please be on merit. otherwise there are a lot of professional paper like CIMA, ACCA and many others

  5. I heard CPA should take a student at least 3 and a half years! !..This consistent complaints is becoming the normal thing that Kasneb will do nothing about. Most of my friends have called it a quit since this system disappoints them and their cries fall on deaf ears. .it’s sad and unacceptable to put your time and effort in something but the person who should assist you does not show any CONCERNS. I speak on behalf of many students please kasneb think about us. ..personally I love cpa but all these charges and regulations really affect the students.

  6. Kasneb you are very unfair , and you are not honest , the way you do your things is shocking , my results say that I failed all the units I sat for , I highly dispute that ,

    You just want us to sit the exams time and again ndio mkule pesa , one day mtakufa pia , maisha ya hii dunia itaishia kila mtu

  7. I feel disappointed failing FA paper again yet I passed other papers I didn’t put more effort on them …..i feel this is not fare

  8. Financial management again after six months of hard work this is not fare please kasneb review my results….if possible reply to help me come to a solution of whether to remark or just quite

  9. Message:surely it’s unfair how can I fail busyi&
    hness maths cs 3times. it’s not me I wants my paper remarked


  10. Message: kasneb I’m very disappointed in getting fail twice in principal management after reading and understand the pm I disagree with this result. kasneb be fair it is ourlife

  11. No one will ever pass in remarking its a waste of time and resources.You guys are just unfair in the marking its full of bias hence giving students like me a wrong result.

  12. Message:Really Kasneb, for goodness sake you guys be serious. I swear i have repeated CA13 three times now only to get a FAIL. I think this is injustice… And then charge all that money. Seriously!!!!!!

  13. That money is too much. It is just a way of discouraging us from remaking and its not fair at all. You should somehow consider that most people are students and that is really too much to afford.

  14. I always hear about remarking, but this time it has landed at me because I’m positive I did my best only to receive a fail in all papers. I don’t wanna criticize anyone coz they are human but Kasneb should know we can’t appeal for remark if we are not sure. They are my last papers and I was waiting for a pass only to see a fail in all papers. That’s not me………

  15. Message:I also feel that wasnt my result because i did my best in all the quistions and was sure was going to pass

  16. Message:KASNEB should be serious not to take the life of students at ransom because it seems like somebody is playing sincerely speaking how can one know how much he/she got in order to apply for remarking I think they should also inform us how much one scored in a particular paper.

  17. Message:I don’t feel like that was my result.How can one fail the subjects that in his knowledge and believe he expected excellent result,and pass the subject that he feels he did the worst,and afterwards find out for them to be remarked you need sh 15000.

  18. Message:I don’t feel like that was my result.How can one fail the subjects that in his knowledge and believe he expected excellent result,and pass the subject that he feels he did the worst,and afterwards find out for them to be remarked you need sh 15000.

  19. Has anyone ever had a paper remarked and the results change from a fail to a pass? Because 7,500 is a lot of money.

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